Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas 2013

The Klingler family had a great Christmas. It started out earlier than Mom or Dad would have liked but the kids were to excited to sleep any longer. I had told Jessie and Ky that they couldn't not get up before 6 AM so they set there alarm clocks for 5:50 am, so they would have time to make their beds and clean up their room. I could hear noise out in the family room about 6:00 so I went to investigate an found the girls had already taken the gifts out from under the tree and put them in stacks for each person. They wanted to get started but I told them they had to wait until everyone else was awake. Matt and Dad woke up a little bit later but Aleeya was still sleeping, so Ky and Jessie went and woke her up. Aleeya wasn't happy at first but was soon alright when she saw the presents.
Grandpa and Grandma Erikson came out and watched the kids open Christmas. It was fun to have them there to help celebrate.
The kids all got more then they needed but we always seem to go overboard on gifts.  Santa brought Jessica an I-Pod touch, Kylynn got the Easy Bake Oven she asked Santa for last year. This year she wanted a dog but Mom and Dad had told Santa "No". Matthew got a remote controlled Robot, and Aleeya got a remote control Train.
The kids also go a new outfit and a new church outfit, along with a pair of boots.
Jessica and her Christmas loot

Kylynn's and her Christmas gifts

Matthews Christmas presents

Aleeya with her gifts.

Grandpa and Grandma Erikson took the entire family to the movie "Frozen" at 11:00. It was a good movie and it was mostly just are family there.
 After the movie we went back to their house to open Christmas. All the kids like there shirts except Kylynn, but we can take it back and get her a new one she will wear. My favorite moment of the day was watching Grandma Erikson open her gift from Me, Cristy, Vicki. We made her a new blanket for her bed with a top that was made by her Mom. She started to tear up and stroke the top. It was a priceless moment.
Grandma and her new blanket

We then had lunch of sandwiches and salads.
After we finished we went to Grandma and Grandpa Messick to get our Christmas. The kids all got pajama's but they were all to big so I will have to take them back. Aleeya got an Adult 4-5 and was really sad, but it is always the thought that counts.
That night we played games at our house and had a fun time together.
Playing "Battleship" with Dad

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