Tuesday, March 12, 2013


For Christmas Delwyn got me a sewing machine. I think he got tired of me always having to go to Mom's house to mend things, which sat around for a while before I would get it done. I love the gift. I don't know how to sew very well, but occasionally I do enjoy try to make things.

The first project I did was to sew curtains for the windows downstairs. We had mismatching make due curtains before just to cover the windows. I found an idea where you used a shower curtain and sewed ribbon on the top to make the loops. It took me a few days and but finally I had made 6 new curtains for the windows. By the time I had gotten to the 6th one I had mastered the procedure of making these curtains.
The next thing I decided to try and sew were skirts for the girls. I had heard about pillowcase skirts from my Mom and thought that would be fun and easy.  So last week while the girls were at school I made these two skirts, they loved them, and it was so easy I am going to try and make one for all the Girls for easter.
Jessica and Kylynn's skirts

Aleeya in her skirt

Thanks for the sewing machine, Delwyn I love it.

School Projects

We spent a great amount of time in February working on 2 different school projects, one each for Jessica and Kylynn.
The first was a Presidential research project for Kylynn. We had to research all about "Millard Fillmore". I was really excited about this since I had no idea who Millard Fillmore was. He turned out to be the 13th President and only became President with the sudden death of Zachary Taylor. Kylynn was not into doing much of the project. I had her read over some of the information and find answers to the questions we were to answer, but when it came to writing out the information she didn't want to help. She did enjoy helping put all the pictures and information on the tri-fold poster. We then had to make President Fillmore's favorite cookie for the Presidential cookie Fair that was held on Feb. 21st. Our cookie were called "Charlotte's",they are like a sugar cookie with dates and nuts in them. They were not to bad but Ky wouldn't even try them.  It was a lot of work and I was glad to have it done.

Once Kylynn project was done we turned our attention to Jessica's science project. We originally wanted to have several people of different ages measure their heart rate at rest, walking, and then running. But it was not working getting enough people so we changed the project 1 week before it was due to, just  measuring Jessica heart rate doing 6 different activities over a 3 day period to see when her heart was beating the fastest and when it was beating the slowest. Jessica had fun learning to count her radial pulse and she found out that her heart beats the fastest while running or jumping rope and is the slowest when she is reading. She had to prepare a 1-2 minute presentation on her project and was so nervous about it. She ended up doing great and got an A on the project.
