On June 27, I was able to participate in my first 5K. My ward planned it for a Relief Society activity towards the first of the year. I Decided about 2 1/2 mouths ago that I would like to participate. I found an abb "couch to 5K" and I started working out most days on the treadmill. When I first started I thought I would die just running for 5 minutes straight. But by the time the 5 K day arrived I was running for 25 minutes straight.
The night of the run came and as I pulled into the church parking lot the car thermometer read 88'. It was going to be a hot run. Not very many sisters showed up, and I was the only one that had planned on running. I felt bad about leaving everyone behind, and I didn't want them to think I was better then them. I had made a goal that I was going to do this for me and no one else. I wasn't able to run as far as I had in my practice runs, due to the heat, but I did my best and I finished it. I finished a 5K. I was so proud of myself for not quiting anywhere a long the way.
I was sad when I got to the finish line because no one was there to celebrate my accomplishment.
I will continue to train and run another 5K in July with my sister's, and this time I hope to run it all. Wish me luck!
Vic and I planned to see you end your run but Delwyn didn't know where it went. But, we were cheering from home. We are proud of you, however!